The Optimist / Clever Dick

Clever Dick /


Clickety click

The seat belt sign

Stops blinking


My mind plays tricks


Got me thinking


I think I‘m going to be sick

Over of the side

Of a rowboat that’s sinking


I never thought

Of the downside

To anything


I like your licks

Take pride

In your appearance


I get my fix

Just in time

So that I can dance


A killer mix


Lifting up the deadbeats


Avoiding the pricks

Of this life

Never admitting defeat


Pre Chorus

And you told me

You never thought I could

But I was sure I would

I give it everything I have

Like I am in combat



Clever Dick

Way to smart

For your own good


I am in shock

From the bombs

In my neighborhood

Clever dick

A fine piece of art

Never killed

This really bad

 Movie in Hollywood
