The Festive Season / I Don't Know Why

I Don’t Know Why


If you

Kick me when I am down

Or love the sound of breaking glass

Steal the red nose from the clown

Skip another calculus class


If you

Make me chase you all over

This side of the universe

So you can box me into a corner

Until you make me feel self conscious


If you

Parachute from a broken sky

Can you give this land of mine a chance

I know that we don’t see eye to eye

But I will still save the last dance for you




When we fight

We will fight

For the right

To be a little part

Of each other




And I don’t know why

You can’t connect the dots

Inside your head, inside your head

And I don’t know why

When I say stop

You start acting like an idiot

I don’t know why

I don’t know why



You would cause

An argument

Inside this empty house

Take this sanctuary

Turn a doll house

Into a mad, mad house

Just because you can
