The Silent Speak / Sometime Late Last December

 Sometime Late Last December / aircrashdetectives/

Some days

I think

That I remember

What she said

One day

Late last December

She said

You’re not Santa Claus


And don’t let the door

Hit your

Sorry ass

On the way out


And in the chaos

I tried

To find

A matching pair

Of socks

Just in case

I meet someone famous

At the baggage carousel

At the airport

In Las Vegas


I took a gamble

On this

Lonely life

For the first time

Put it all

On black

Looking foolish

Waiting for you

To be on time


What if a Jesus freak

Tries to

Save us

From ourselves

What if I find

My new beautiful


In a state of Undress

Is this my new hell?


Now I drink

My whisky neat

Ice cubes

On the side

Just in case

It gets

Too hot in here

Or she tells

One too many lies


The fire

In her eyes

Flamed out

Long ago

As she maintains

Her poise

Under the lights

So there is no damage

To her ego


Is this

The new normal

Where we don’t

Ever regret

And we take

Our prescriptions


Ever thinking about

The long lasting

Side effects

Something bright


Me from

This reality

It was not

As mysterious

As you think

It might


Now I am


In the crawl space

Checking the foundations

So that when

Your world

Starts shaking

I can take my



So how do

You like

The me now


If I

Ever find out

Who I am

I will let

You know
