Music Orphans Series / Sometimes It Hurts

Sometimes It Hurts / aircrashdetectives/


Sometimes it hurts

More than you

Want it to

But you can only

Play the cards

In front of you

And once the stakes

Get too high

The loser

Must care


About life



Nobody ever wins


Pre Chorus

What if I want to

Hold on to you

For a little while


God gave me strength

But I don’t feel any stronger


Verse 1

For what it’s worth

This life

Ain’t all that


Until you see

One of the seven

Wonders of this world


Or all the colors

Of your clothes

Going round at the laundromat


Or the smile

On the face

Of the prettiest or ugliest girl


Verse 2

For what it’s worth

Once you say it

Can’t take it back


But you can live

A long time

With regret


Sometimes it’s a shame

When fiction

Gets in the way of the facts


Sounds like a longshot

Against the odds

You take the bet



 My words are free

As is

My empathy

I don’t ever want

To be like you

The best parts of you

Are like the worst parts of me
