Music Orphans Series / Last Ferry To The Mainland

Last Ferry To The Mainland / aircrashdetectives/


Sun sets west

Getting dark

In these parts

You said that

Mother knows best

While the girl that

You love

Is almost dying

Of a broken heart


And if you go

You will never

See her again

And if you stay

It will cause the

Other ones you love

Too much pain

Don't you hate

The choices love

Kicks in


Sometimes places

Replace the spaces

That we leave

When we stand still

And time moves on

As we race

Against the feeling

That if I don’t do it

Then somebody else




And the world looks like an ocean

Right from where I am standing

Like a sea of disbelief

That will never get any easier

Too many high emotions

Going too fast for a landing



Will you ever understand

Or do you have

Too much time on your hands

Or is it time to make a stand

Come on get on get off

Last ferry to the mainland
