The Grinder

The Grinder

Verse 1

Larger than life
He fills up the room
He cuts like knife
Sweeps like a broom
He’s already taken
She is already smitten
This is a tragedy
Too big to be written

Verse 2

I stabbed him
With an icicle
Through the heart
Flattened the tires
On his Christmas
I am beginning
To heal
It’s a start

Verse 3

Any evidence
Melted away
In my hands
This brilliant life
Is a game of Chance
And handstands
Short stories
Can take too long
For along winded writer
To write

Verse 4

The isolation
Of a runner’s high
This neck of medals
Can’t be denied
By anyone
Or anything
My admiration
Goes long into the night


The road is long
This road is winding
It twists and it turns
I am grinding
Out a result
When everyone else
Is sunning themselves
On the Spanish Riviera
