Summer of Love / Just Castles Of Sand

Just Castles of Sand / aircrashdetectives/



I was walking down

Highway 1

When the preacher man

Said come here son

Asked me if I was proud

Of who I am


I said I was

But open to

Something more


He told me jokes

About his situation


We talked about

God and guns

And how this whole

World had begun

And in the end we agreed

To disagree


It’s hard enough

If you’re having fun

Killing time

And the Indians

Without any kind of



And mother said

Be kind enough

When a dying man

Sees his life

Flash before

His very eyes


Who am I

In the cosmic scheme

Of the universe

And things

Could I make a

Difference tonight



I don’t trust a country

That ends in Stan

Or Dan

Or An

E Y or A

Everyone wants to be


And have a parade



What if

That all the palaces

We built

On this land

Are Just castles of sand



United we fall

Divided we stand

Everybody wants to be

An American

Tell me

What should I do

If I don’t understand

