The Silent Speak / Hypotheticals

Hypotheticals /



She asked me to come clean

About my

Future intentions

I said I want

To be bold

Take it to the world

Even if it means

It’s a conflict


When I was seventeen

I was obsessed

With hypotheticals

Thought I would die

When she told

My friends

That it was over

Before she told me


A myriad of broken dreams

At least one less


Thought of mine

Which I sold

In the end

To the one who stole her

From me


Trying to watch a live stream

From a no good

Ne’er do well

Playing his fiddle

Like his life

Depended on it

Echoes and touches

Am I dreaming



If I was a bicycle

What would you do with me

It’s just a hypothetical

If I was a table and chairs

What would you do with me

It’s just a hypothetical

If I was the one loved you more

Than anyone or anything

What would you do with me

It’s just a hypothetical



There is no right or wrong

That’s what I like

About this life

We can just make it up

As we go along
