Music Orphans Series / Somewhere In The Middle

Somewhere In The Middle /


Sometimes I wish it would rain

So I could jump in the puddles

And if you are so happy

That you can’t complain

Why do you

Look so miserable?


The truth always comes out

Little by little

And it always ends up

Somewhere in the middle


Verse 1

Mothers’ engagement ring

Pierces your nipples

It’s the rebel inside

No matter what your father’s done

Always be civil

She confides

Never tires of gossiping

She tipples

Long into the night

She is afraid of the sun

Afraid of the wrinkles

She can see in the light


Verse 2

When your future looks bleak

From poor choices

And you have made your bed [ too lie in ]

Sometimes your ancestors speak

To the voices

Inside your head

And it’s impossible

For you to hear

Much less to listen

I love being invincible

That alone is

Worth the price of admission



When a little kindness

Creeps into your world

Could you be everything

Your mother always

Wanted you to be

When you return from

The wilderness

Try to figure out

What were all the good things

You missed

And embrace gently
