Music Orphans Series / No More Crying

No More Crying /

                                                                  photo credit freepik


Double negatives

A whole list of excuses

And your beautiful mouth

Is full of expletives


Everybody is sensitive

Hugging their statues

Hanging on to a New Genesis

After years of abuse


Count all the ambulances

This life is a riot

With the suicide hotline

Running down on the driver’s side


Legacies crumble

Like summer holiday

Sandcastles washing away

In the high tide


Truth is a stranger

As alternative realities

Challenge her

Like Socrates


I slip into something

A little more comfortable

With the prevailing winds

Much more predictable


Can you choose between

Good and evil

Without turning into

The very thing you despise



Nobody wins 100 %

Of the time

There is no crying

In baseball

When the away team

Hits a walk off home run

In the bottom of the ninth


No more crying

For the things

That you cannot control

Will you be laughing

At my inability

To let all the crazy stuff go

But there is a couple

Of things

I really want you to know


Maybe if I love you

I could be there

When you need a shoulder

To lean on

Hold you up

When you are feeling

More than a little down

Do you really need to be



This life can be


Like a sky dive

At the edge of the horizon


 No more crying

Every time

You get

A little frustrated

Keep on keeping on

Keep on moving on
