No Town No More

Verse 1

A gargoyle looks at the clock
And waits patiently
Seems like for centuries
For days like these
The man without his socks
Is paralyzed
Like when you have no change
On a busy street
For the parking meter
That’s expired

Verse 2

As the hands of time stand still
There is a frequency
Where a young Bernese
Can hear a heartbeat
If you think you’ll live you will
Don’t think
About your current situation
Razor thin
Margins of error are

Verse 3

All hands are working frantically
Into the darkness
Exhausted flashlights
Highlight the gentleness
And the loving part of humanity
That rises up
From the broken homes
That were throwing rocks
When they should be
Getting stoned


No town no more
This world takes what is wants
As nature runs its course
No town no more
Even after a 1000 years
It is gone
